
Part 사업부

Nox Converter

Nox Converter

Wall Mounting Nox Converter

Product Detail

Gas inlet heated for hot gas conversion.
High flow capacity, long operating time, high conversion officiency.
Catalyst cartridge easy to change.
Operating temperature up to 399℃.
Built in a Compact wall mounting.
Safe handling and easy servicing.
By-Pass solenoid valves.
Power supply 110/220V 100W.

Specification and Order No.* 각 선택항목을 체크해주시면 원하시는 조합값을 얻으실 수 있습니다.


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Model A Specification REMARK
Voltage size


110VAC 100W * Option
- Heater Box
220VAC 100W
  • Result

    * 조합값 견적을 의뢰하실 수 있습니다.